SpringBoard Rotator – autorotate direct in SpringBoard

SpringBoard Rotator este un nou tweak pentru iPhone/iPod Touch care adauga auto-rotate direct in SpringBoard-ul iDevice-ului dandu-va astfel posibilitatea de a vedea aplicatiile din telefon fie in landscape fie in normal mode.

Aceasta optiune exista pe alte telefoane by default insa Apple a considerat ca pentru iPhone inca nu e necesara, oricum aplicatia pare foarte interesanta iar cu ajutorul unor patch-uri care sa micsoreze iconitele ati putea schimba aproape total look-ul terminalului vostru.

SpringBoard Rotator va fi disponibil in Cydia in zilele urmatoare, deocamdata video-ul de mai sus este doar un preview al tweak-ului facut de un site din Grecia.

Iata si ce spune developerul despre SpringBoard Rotator :

So I left a little of cydgets, and went a step further and shows you the SpringBoard Rotator, (or DizzyBoard, or SpringBoard 360, or LandScape SpringBoard .. think about it yet and I am open to suggestions for the name).

This tweak makes rotate around the user interface of SpringBoard, and with some success, because until now learned that he had achieved.

So you can see the SpringBoard with icons in LandScape and Portait view, depending on the orientation of your device!

So, cum ar merge o combinatie intre SpringBoard Rotator si Infiniboard?

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