Prima victima in scandalul “antennagate” : seful diviziei iPhone hardware demis

Conform celor de la New York Times, seful diviziei iPhone hardware de la Apple, Mark Papermaster, si-a dat ieri demisia din functia de Senior VP al Device Hardware Engineering. Mark Papermaster a fost cel care a luat deciziile in legatura cu hardware-ul noului iPhone 4, implicit si cele legate de noul design, asa ca era normal ca toti cei din conducerea Apple sa ceara explicatii de la el atunci cand scandalul “antennagate” a inceput. Desi oficial un purtator de cuvant al Apple a declarat ca VP-ul a plecat de buna voie, totusi John Gruber

citeaza o sursa apropiata celor de la Apple si sustine faptul ca Marl Papermaster a fost concediat datorita intregului scandal legat de antena.

Mark Papermaster, the Apple executive in charge of hardware for the company’s flagship iPhone, has left the company in the wake of widely reported problems with the antenna of the recently introduced iPhone 4.

In a statement, an Apple spokesman, Steve Dowling, confirmed Mr. Papermaster’s departure. Mr. Dowling said Mr. Papermaster “is leaving the company and Bob Mansfield, senior vice president of Macintosh hardware engineering, is assuming his responsibilities.”

Se pare ca aceasta este primul cap care cade in urma scandalului legat de problemele cu antena, insa nu cred ca Apple va mai concedia si alte persoane care au contribuit la dezvoltarea terminalului iPhone 4.

This post was last modified on aug. 8, 2010, 9:41 AM 09:41

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