Video: Serviciul iTunes Ping este compatibil si cu Twitter

Va mai aduceti aminte de serviciul Ping lansat de Apple la conferinta din 1 septembrie? Daca da atunci veti fi bucurosi sa aflati ca incepand de astazi puteti asculta melodii din iTunes direct pe paginile Twitter ale prietenilor vostri care folosesc Ping si au conectat contul Ping din iTunes cu cel de pe Twitter. Reteaua Ping a celor de la Apple nu a avut parte de prea mult succes, defapt sincer sa fiu intrase intr-un con de umbra in ultima vreme, insa acest nou parteneriat va creste cu siguranta popularitatea retelei. Practic tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa aveti un cont Ping, unul de Twitter, cativa prieteni care si-au conectat cele 2 conturi si puteti asculta orice melodii tweet-uite de ei direct pe pagina lor de pe Twitter.

Din pacate Romania nu are iTunes music Store deci un cont in Ro AppStore nu va da acces la reteaua Ping si la noile functii, insa un cont in US AppStore va permite sa le folositi.

Starting today Ping, iTunes’ new social network for music, and Twitter are making it even easier for people to share music discoveries with their friends by putting Ping activity, song previews and links to purchase and download music from the iTunes Store right in their Tweets on Twitter.com.

Once you’ve linked the accounts, whenever you Post, Like, Review, or tell your friends why you purchased a song or album on Ping, this activity will also be tweeted to your Twitter followers – complete with playable song previews and links to purchase and download music from iTunes.

This post was last modified on nov. 12, 2010, 11:24 AM 11:24

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