Video: Guerrilla Bob CO-OP Multiplayer si Guerrilla Bob HD pentru iPad lansat in AppStore

Celebrul joc Guerrilla Bob, facut de echipa de romani de la Angry Mob Games, a ajuns in sfarsit si pe tableta iPad, versiunea HD a jocului fiind lansata ieri in AppStore. Guerrilla Bob este un dual stick shooter care a ajuns in topurile celor mai cumparate aplicatii din AppStore anul acesta si parerea mea este ca isi merita locul deoarece are o grafica foarte buna, ofera un stil de gameplay atractiv si va da posibilitatea de a distruge absolut tot ce misca in evironment-ul internet, and we know guys love to destroy stuff.

So, pe langa versiunea HD a jocului, astazi versiunea pentru iPhone/iPod Touch a fost actualizata si permite in sfarsit co-op multiplayer intre iDevice-uri si in curand va permite conectarea cu un Mac, un PC si chiar un dispozitiv Android. In clipul video de mai sus aveti demonstrat gameplay-ul intre iDevice-uri insa imaginati-va ca in viitorul apropiat veti putea face acest lucru cu oricare dintre dispozitivele de mai sus. Sincer sa fiu Guerrilla Bob este primul joc in care vad implementat un asemenea sistem multiplayer asa ca vreau sa ii felicit pe cei de la Angry Mob Games.

Din cate observ Guerrilla Bob HD este disponibila la pretul promotional de 0.79€ astazi asa ca va recomand sa o cumparati cat mai e disponibila la acel pret. Versiunea pentru iPhone/iPod Touch costa 2.39€.

Si pentru ca ati fost cuminti, multumita celor de la Angry Mob Games, am o surpriza pentru voi in prima zi de Craciun 😉

Pretul initial:
Guerrilla Bob HD


Developer: 24seven3D
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Play CO-OP Multiplayer on the same iPad, or connect your device to any other iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, through local WiFi.

Guerrilla Bob is a fast-action shooter with high-quality visuals and plenty of weaponry!

Watch the gameplay trailer: GUERILLABO…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 61.1 Mb

Pretul initial:
Guerrilla Bob


Developer: Chillingo Ltd
Categoria: Games

Descriere: A fast-action shooter with high-quality visuals and plenty of weaponry! Watch the gameplay trailer: GUERILLABOB.com!

Top 10 most anticipated iPhone games for 2010 It’s everything we’ve been asking for in a twin-stick shooter: depth, variety, and rewards…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 51.7 Mb

Angry Mob Games launches CO-OP Multiplayer shooter game, GUERRILLA BOB HD, for the iPad

Fun-filled top-down shooter gets an HD iPad version, together with a brand new CO-OP Multiplayer mode.

ANGRY MOB GAMES today announces that Guerrilla Bob HD, the iPad version of the hit dual-stick shooter game, is now available on the App Store. The comedic shooter offers stunning visuals, cross-platform multiplayer, an arsenal of kick-ass weaponry, unique enemies, explosive ammunition and non-stop humour. Guerrilla Bob HD also features competitive scoring, leaderboards and achievements via Game Center.

Guerrilla Bob HD features CO-OP Multiplayer using split screen or local Wi-Fi. Players can join forces to overcome the toughest bosses, balance their equipped weapons and help each other out when in trouble. Two players can play on the same iPad, side by side, or connect their devices via local WiFi.

Guerrilla Bob HD features Cross-Platform Multiplayer. Players will be able to connect an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and soon also a Mac, PC and Android device.

This post was last modified on dec. 22, 2010, 9:10 AM 09:10

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