iPad 2 la fel de rapida precum un supercomputer din anii \’80

iPad 2 este cel mai puternic iDevice disponibil in momentul acesta pe piata insa conform unui cercetator american, tableta celor de la Apple este la fel de rapida precum un supercomputer din anii ’80. Jack Dongarra, un profesor al unei universitati americane si unul dintre cei care lucreaza la proiectul Linpack care masoara puterea de calcul a calculatoarelor, a concluzionat ca iPad 2 este la fel de puternica precum supercomputerul Cray 2. In anii ’80 Cray, in versiunea cu 8 procesoare, era cel mai puternic supercomputer din lume la acea vreme iar iPad 2 abia acum il ajunge ca si putere ce procesare.

His research group has run the test on Apple’s new iPad 2, and it turns out that the legal-pad-size tablet would be a rival for a four-processor version of the Cray 2 supercomputer, which, with eight processors, was the world’s fastest computer in 1985.

Dr. Dongarra’s researchers also discovered that the new iPad2 is about 10 times as fast as its predecessor, the original iPad. That is likely because of some design changes in the microprocessor used in the new version of the Apple tablet.

To date, the researchers have run the test on only one of the iPad microprocessor’s two processing cores.

Deocamdata Dongarra nu a reusit sa testeze decat unul dintre cele 2 procesoare ale tabletei iPad 2 si estimeaza ca noua versiune a tabletei este de 10 ori mai puternica decat predecesoarea sa. El estimeaza ca iPad 2 ar inregistra 1.5 -1.65 gigaflops in Linpack insa asta vom afla abia dupa ce vor reusi sa foloseasca Linpack cu ambele procesoare ale tabletei.

This post was last modified on mai 10, 2011, 2:06 PM 14:06

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