Video: Castlerama si greutatile din spatele dezvoltarii unui joc pe iPhone/iPad

Despre Castlerama am vorbit acum aproape 2 saptamani cand va spuneam ca e un tech demo pentru un nou joc bazat pe motorul grafic Unreal Engine 3. Castlerama reprezinta un model 3D al unui oras italian pe care noi il putetm vizita direct de pe ecranul iDevice-ulu nostru. Dezvoltatorii acestui tech demo au publicat un nou clip video saptamana aceasta si descriu cat de greu este procesul de dezvoltare pe vechile terminale. iPhone 3GS si iPad vor avea o versiune separata a jocului cu grafica ceva mai slaba deoarece RAM-ul disponibil in aceste dispozitive este insuficient pentru a rula cum trebuie jocul.

While developing Castlerama, we had to face the fact that newer devices such as iPhone4s and iPad2s are very different from their predecessors, iPhone3GSs and iPads, in that the former have twice as much memory. In order to have the app run on all devices, we had to compromise quite a bit, pushing the old devices to their limits (risking crash if other applications are left running) while keeping the new devices well behind their capabilities. In the future we believe we will have to develop two versions for each application.  We currently have a couple of projects in our pipeline, and we are very likely to release a game, or a series of virtual tours, or both. Unreal, the engine by Epic, is very smooth, even though its development kit for mobile devices is very young, still in its beta, and not yet fully documented.

Presupun ca de acum incolo vor fi lansate noi jocuri cu motorul grafic Unreal Engine 3 insa toate vor fi cel mai probabil disponibile in versiuni putin mai slab dotate din punct de vedere grafic pentru a rula pe vechile terminale. Deja incepem sa vedem primele semne ale fragmentarii pe iOS avand in vedere ca iPhone 3GS si iPad cu 256 MB RAM nu fac fata jocurilor dezvoltate cu motorul grafic Unreal Engine 3.

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