Apple va implementa un nou sistem de vanzari folosind tablete iPad in magazinele proprii

Marea surpriza a Apple Store 2.0? Folosirea tabletelor iPad 2 de catre angajatii companiei pentru a procesa platile facute pentru achizitionarea produselor din magazine. Asta spune AppleInsider care a aflat ca in magazinele Apple din lumea intreaga au fost facute stocuri de tablete iPad 2 cu SmartCover-uri care ar urma sa fie folosite de angajati. Aceste tablete ar urma sa fie utilizate in magazine de angajati pentru procesarea platilor insa nu se stie daca le vor folosi impreuna cu iPod Touch-urile existente. Tabletele iPad vor rula o noua versiune a sistemului RetailMe care ar permite o mai buna inregistrare a comenzilor si cererilor clientilor.

People familiar with Apple’s retail operations revealed that stores across the U.S. have been stocked with dozens of iPads that are being prepared for use by employees. Training and utilization of the hardware could begin as soon as this weekend. The delivery of iPads to stores around the country comes as Apple is apparently prepared to release an iPad version of its proprietary in-house communications client known as RetailMe. The RetailMe service offers information about products and training videos for retail employees. One person privy to the workings of Apple’s brick-and-mortar stores suggested that the RetailMe software for iPad could turn out to be the be the password protected gigabytes of corporate training data that employees were recently issued. Still, as usual, employees have been kept in the dark, leaving them to put pieces together and draw conclusions based on the available evidence.

In concluzie, nu e vorba nici de lansarea vreunui produs nou, nici de implementarea unui sistem de plati prin NFC, e vorba de o evolutie in sistemul de procesare a platilor si reclamatiilor. Pentru Apple e un pas inainte, pentru noi nu inseamna nimic deoarece nu e destinat clientilor.

This post was last modified on mai 18, 2011, 6:31 PM 18:31

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