Apple breveteaza un nou model de baterii rezistente la explozii

Nu de putine ori s-a auzit despre baterii ale MacBook-urilor care s-au umflat ori baterii ale terminalelor iPod sau iPhone care au explodat. Pentru Apple aceasta problema este mai mult decat serioasa asa ca inginerii companiei au dezvoltat un nou model de baterii care au un mecanism special ce le impiedica sa explodeze. Practic noile baterii dezvoltate de Apple au un sistem de eliberare a presiunii astfel incat atunci cand in interiorul bateriei se acumuleaza presiune, ea va fi eliberata prin anumite orificii special concepute pentru a ceda atunci cand sunt supuse unei anumite presiuni. Celulele bateriei ar putea fi acoperite cu un fel de punga care atunci cand este supusa unei presiuni puternice s-ar rupe si ar elibera presiunea.

A potential safety issue could arise if there is a gas buildup within a rechargeable lithium battery cell. This could occur, for example, if the cell is overcharged, if there is a short within the cell, or if the cell is left uncharged for a significant period of time. This type of gas buildup could potentially cause the battery cell to swell or even to explode, which could seriously damage the portable electronic device, and may even start a fire. To alleviate this problem, cylindrical lithium-ion battery cells are often equipped with a vent valve to release the internal pressure in the battery cell when a gas buildup occurs. However, there exist no comparable pressure-relief mechanisms for lithium-polymer batteries, which are becoming increasingly popular in portable electronic devices. A lithium-polymer battery is typically enclosed in a flexible pouch, which is lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture. However, no pressure-relief mechanism has been developed for these pouches so far.

Problema vine de la faptul ca in majoritatea bateriilor pentru terminale mobile exista o anumita cantitate de gaz care ar putea forta bateria sa se umfle ori sa explodeze. Noile baterii dezvoltate de Apple ar putea fi ferite de asa ceva multumita pungii pe care compania a conceput-o, punga care ar elibera gazul atunci cand este nevoie. Ideea este foarte complexa insa ar putea fi de mare ajutor companiei care a avut destul de multe probleme din cauza bateriilor in ultimii ani.

Apple’s patent application outlines a battery cell which includes a weakness for relieving pressure. This battery cell may include a jelly roll comprising layers which are wound together, including a cathode with an active coating, a separator, and an anode with an active coating. The jelly roll may also include a first conductive tab coupled to the cathode and a second conductive tab coupled to the anode. The jelly roll, according to Apple, is enclosed in a flexible pouch, wherein the first and second conductive tabs extend through seals in the pouch to provide terminals for the battery cell. This pouch includes a weakness which yields when internal pressure in the pouch exceeds a threshold to create a hole which releases the internal pressure.

This post was last modified on mai 26, 2011, 8:07 PM 20:07

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