Imagini: Un concept foarte interesant pentru iPhone 5

      Cei de la Yanko Design s-au gandit sa ne faca un concept pentru iPhone 5 care are atat spatele curbat cat si un ecran mai mare. Din pacate terminalul iPhone are un flash LED mai mic langa camera insa a obtinut in partea de sus o parte plasticata preluata de la tableta iPad. Design-ul seamana foarte mult cu cel al MacBook Air-urilor, adica se subtiaza din partea de sus pana in partea de jos si conceptul propune de asemenea revenirea la carcasele de aluminiu disponibile acum pentru iPad si iPod Touch-uri.

What are you predictions for the iPhone 5? I heard someplace that a curved display was in the making and attention was being given to the antenna issues. Designer Michal Bonikowski feels that the new version will be safe and predictable, simply because Apple can’t afford another failed version. In his conceptual version Michal converts glass enclosure into proven aluminum; steel frame remains as a reference to the previous version and directly to the iPad 2. Also, the key functions is converted from mechanical to sensory.

It’s just a matter of time, soon we’ll know how closer to the real thing is this concept.

      Din punctul meu de vedere vorbim despre unul dintre cele mai interesante concepte pentru iPhone 5 si nu m-ar deranja deloc daca viitorul terminal ar arata asa dar este putin probabil.

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