WiFi Passwords afiseaza parolele folosite de tine in iOS

      WiFi Passwords este un nou tweak disponibil de ceva vreme in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa vizualizeze toate parolele utilizate pentru conectarea la Wi-Fi HotSpot-uri. In mod normal iOS-ul tine minte parolele noastre insa nu exista nici un meniu il care ele sa fie efectiv afisate asa ca daca ati uitat una trebuie sa aveti grija sa nu faceti vreun restore sau vreo resetare a setarilor pentru retea. Tweak apare sub forma unei aplicatii in Springboard in care avem listate numele retelelor Wi-Fi si fiecare parola asociata retelei respective.

This app displays all the WiFi passwords you have entered when connecting to secure networks. Very handy if you forgot a password and need to connect another device, or tell a friend the password for a coffee shop without asking that embarrassing question again. Tap hold on the password to copy it to the clipboard. Requires iOS 3.0 or later.

      WiFi Passwords este disponibil gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul BigBoss si il puteti instala urmand acest link.

This post was last modified on aug. 12, 2011, 9:44 PM 21:44

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