AlphaCon permite modificarea nivelului de transparenta al aplicatiilor din iOS

      AlphaCon este un tweak publicat aseara in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa modifice automat nivelul de transparenta al iconitelor aplicatiilor instalate in propriile iDevice-uri. Tweak-ul are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings din iOS iar de acolo putem seta nivelul de transparenta a iconitelor aplicatiilor noastre indiferent de zona in care acestea sunt aflate. Tweak-ul modifica transparenta pentru: Springboard, foldere, dock si task switcher deci indiferent unde anume aveti afisate iconitele aplicatiilor voastre, le veti vedea la nivelul de transparenta setat in tweak.

This tweak allows you to set the alpha (transparency) levels of all your application icons. By changing the value of the slider inside the settings app, you can change the transparency of your icons to nearly invisible or just barely transparent. This tweak isn’t limited to setting the icons transparency levels, you can also completely hide the icon labels for your applications. Both of these features work in the switcher, home screen, dock, and folders. It even supports Folder Enhancer and sub folders. This tweak currently works the iPhone, iPod, and iPad running iOS 4.

      AlphaCon seteaza automat nivelul de transparenta al numelor aplicatiilor asa ca indiferent ce veti seta pentru iconita aplicatiei veti avea setat si pentru numele acesteia. Alphacon este disponibil gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul BigBoss.

This post was last modified on aug. 21, 2011, 11:57 AM 11:57

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