Steve Jobs, tatal sau biologic si povestea din spatele unui geniu

     Barbatul din imaginea de mai sus se numeste Abdulfattah John Jandali si este tatal biologic al lui Steve Jobs, cel care pana recent nu stia ca fondatorul companiei din Cupertino este de fapt fiul sau. Abdulfattah John Jandali este este presedintele unui lant de casino-uri din Reno, Nevada, este un om influent, bogat care pana recent nu stia ca Steve Jobs este de fapt fiul sau natural pe care l-a pierdut in urma cu 5 decenii. Cei doi nu au vorbit si nu s-au intalnit vreodata iar Abdulfattah John Jandali nu a facut nici un fel de efort pentru a isi cauta fiul pana in prezent.

This might sound strange, though, but I am not prepared, even if either of us was on our deathbeds, to pick up the phone to call him. Steve will have to do that, as the Syrian pride in me does not want him ever to think I am after his fortune.I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t sadden me to have not been part of my son’s incredible journey. What father wouldn’t think that? And I would think that even if he was not the head of a hugely successful company.

     Steve Jobs a avut parte de o viata incredibila si tatal sau biologic a fost absent in toata aceasta perioada dar din pacate acesta nu este dispus nici macar acum sa vorbeasca, cu fiul despre care spune ca si l-ar fi dorit aproape. Abdulfattah John Jandali are 80 de ani, este originar din Syria insa decizia de a il da pe Steve Jobs spre adoptie a apartinut iubitei sale care l-a nascut pe Steve Jobs in secret si l-a dat spre adoptie fara sa stie nimeni. Desi Abdulfattah John Jandali sustine ca ar fi vrut sa isi creasca baiatul, in momentul de fata nu este dispus sa il sune pe Steve Jobs chiar daca acesta din urma sufera de o boala care i-ar putea pune capat zilelor oricand.

I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t sadden me to have not been part of my son’s incredible journey,” he said. “What father wouldn’t think that? And I would think that even if he was not the head of a hugely successful company.”

In 1955, Jandali’s girlfriend Joanne Simpson became pregnant, and though he wanted to marry her, he says her family would not allow it.

“I was very much in love with Joanne,” he said. “But sadly, her father was a tyrant, and forbade her to marry me, as I was from Syria. And so she told me she wanted to give the baby up for adoption.”

     Steve Jobs este un geniu, un vizionar care a avut parte de un inceput nefericit in viata insa a ajuns a fie iubit de milioane de oameni iar produsele sale bucura sute de milioane de oameni de pe glob.

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