Apple pierde inca un prototip al iPhone intr-un bar

    Sunt sigur ca stiti cu totii despre prototipul iPhone 4 pierdut de un angajat al Apple intr-un bar in primavara anului trecut si despre prezentarea facuta de Gizmodo. Ei bine anul acesta situatia s-a repetat si Apple a pierdut in luna iulie un alt prototip al terminalului iPhone, de data aceasta intr-un alt bar din San Francisco. Dispozitivul ar fi fost gasit de cineva si vandut pe Craig List pentru 200$ insa nimeni nu poate confirma cu certituine acest lucru. Dupa sesizarea disparitiei, Apple a anuntat autoritatile si a reusit sa localizeze terminalul in apartamentul unui tanar de 22 de ani care sustinea ca nu are dispozitivul. Politia a perchezitionat casa tanarului si nu a descoperit terminalul iar la Apple nu a ajuns nici o cerere de rascumparare a acestuia.

In a bizarre repeat of a high-profile incident last year, an Apple employee once again appears to have lost an unreleased iPhone in a bar, CNET has learned. The errant iPhone, which went missing in San Francisco’s Mission district in late July, sparked a scramble by Apple security to recover the device over the next few days, according to a source familiar with the investigation. A day or two after the phone was lost at San Francisco’s Cava 22, which describes itself as a “tequila lounge” that also serves lime-marinated shrimp ceviche, Apple representatives contacted San Francisco police, saying the device was priceless and the company was desperate to secure its safe return, the source said. Still unclear are details about the device, what version of the iOS operating system it was running, and what it looks like.

     Desigur ca deocamdata nimeni nu stie unde anume se afla dispozitivul si oricand ar putea aparea imagini cu el insa la fel de necunoscuta este si identitatea acestuia. Nu se stie daca vorbim despre iPhone 5 sau un prototip mai vechi al unui iPhone dar Apple pare extrem de interesata sa il recupereze. Publicarea stirii de catre cNET

i-ar putea forta pe cei de la Apple sa grabeasca prezentarea noului dispozitiv pentru a nu ajunge in situatia de anul trecut cand iPhone 4 a fost prezentat lumii intregi inaintea celor de la Apple.

When San Francisco police and Apple’s investigators visited the house, they spoke with a man in his twenties who acknowledged being at Cava 22 on the night the device went missing. But he denied knowing anything about the phone. The man gave police permission to search the house, and they found nothing, the source said.

      Avand in vedere ca Apple nu a reusit sa gaseasca inca acest nou prototip, se anunta cateva saptamani foarte interesante in care este posibil sa asistam la o prezentare a iPhone 5 ori a unor falsuri grosolane.



This post was last modified on aug. 31, 2011, 11:11 PM 23:11

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