Apple testeaza un televizor controlat de Siri

    Desi pare greu de crezut acum, cei de la New York Times dau de inteles ca Apple ar testa deja prototipuri ale unui televizor care functioneaza cu ajutorul asistentului personal Siri. Noul dispozitiv ar exista deja in laboratoarele Apple unde angajati ai companiei il testeaza si telecomanda clasica pare sa fi fost inlocuita de Siri care coordoneaza tot ce se intampla pe ecranul produsului. Apple ar lucra la acest televizor de mai bine de un an de zile, adica de cand a inceput sa implementeze Siri in iOS 5 asa ca s-ar putea sa asistam la un produs care ar avea o interfata asemanatoare cu ea a Apple TV 2G.

The television project has been in the works for sometime. I first heard about Apple’s television plans over a year ago. At the time, an individual who has knowledge of Apple’s prototype supply chains overseas told me they had seen some “large parts floating around” that belonged to Apple. This person believed that it “looked like the parts could be part of a large Apple television.” I immediately began snooping around, asking Apple employees and people close to the company if a full fledged Apple Television was in the works. Several people, all speaking on condition of anonymity for obvious reasons, told me that nothing was actively being built, but — and this was a big but — I was told repeatedly that Apple would eventually make a television. “Absolutely, it is a guaranteed product for Apple,” I was told by one individual. “Steve thinks the industry is totally broken.”

    Steve Jobs a declarat in biografia autorizata scrisa de Walter Isaacson ca a descoperit secretul construirii unui televizor si Siri ar putea sta la baza acestui nou produs. Se pare ca Apple ar fi testat un televizor care ar fi avut o tastatura, magic mouse sau iDevice-uri drept telecomanda insa Siri pare a fi cel mai natura mod de a da “ordine” unui televizor. Utilizatorii ar putea spune produsului sa ruleze un anumit film, sa deschida un post TV sau sa inregistreze o anumita transmisie, totul fara a folosi o telecomanda clasica.

Alternative remote ideas floated by Apple included a wireless keyboard and mouse, or using an iPod, iPhone or iPad as a remote. None of these concepts worked. But there was one “I finally cracked it” moment, when Apple realized you could just talk to your television. It’s the stuff of science fiction. You sit on your couch and rather than fumble with several remotes or use hand gestures, you simply talk: “Put on the last episode of Gossip Girl.” “Play the local news headlines.” “Play some Coldplay music videos.” Siri does the rest.

Of course this experience goes beyond just playing TV shows or the local news. As the line between television programming and Web content continues to erode, a Siri-powered television would become more necessary. You aren’t going to want to flip through file folders or baskets of content, checking off what you want. Telling Siri to “play videos of cute cats falling asleep” would return an endless YouTube stream of adorable napping fur balls.

   Cu un Siri pe post de telecomanda Apple ar schimba multe insa din pacate conceptul ar fi unul extrem de limitat din cauza asistentului personal care deocamdata nu este pregatit pentru asemenea lucruri. Pe iPhone 4S Siri nu a fost primit cu atat de multa caldura si Apple stie asta asa ca eu unul nu ma astept la un televizor controlat doar de Siri ci ma astept la un produs care sa aiba Siri drept a doua metoda de control.

This post was last modified on oct. 27, 2011, 8:26 PM 20:26

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