Video: Iata cateva metode ingenioase de a utiliza Siri

    Majoritatea celor care au testat sistemul Siri al companiei Apple au ajuns la concluzia ca deocamdata software-ul implementat de catre companie in iOS 5 este in mare parte inutil. Am spus in review-ul pentru iPhone 4S ca Siri poate fi util si ca in mare Siri este o metoda mai frumoasa de a cauta pe web folosind sistemul Wolfram Alpha. Practic Siri este legat de Wolfram Alpha deoarece prin acest motor de cautare el gaseste raspunsuri la intrebari mai complicate puse de catre utilizatori.

     In clipul video de mai sus avem o scurta demonstratie a modului in care poate fi generata o parola sigura cu Siri, a modului in care poate fi aflat codul morse pentru o expresie, a modului in care putem cauta o culoare dupa un cod plus multe altele. Revin si spun ca Siri se poate transforma intr-un asistent personal foarte util insa numai in masura in care utilizatorii pun intrebarile corecte. Mai jos aveti cateva comenzi utilizate pentru a obtine informatiile din clip si in baza lor puteti configura altele pentru alte raspunsuri :

  1. Roll a Random Number. Say “Wolfram, random integer.” Wolfram returns a random value between 0 and 1000. “Wolfram, random number” provides a 0 to 1 floating point value.
  2. Look up nature facts. Say, “Wolfram, what is the scientific name of a mountain lion?” It’s Puma concolor. Rabbits are Leporidae, and Peacocks, Galliformes.
  3. Check upcoming holidays. Say, “How many days until Thanksgiving?” This returns both the number of days as well as a helpful calendar so you can chart out the time until then.
  4. Create a secure password. Say “Wolfram, password.” Wolfram generates a difficult-to-crack 8-character password. Scroll down for alternates. If you need a longer password, you can append these together.
  5. Convert text to Morse code. Say, “What is Morse code for horsefeathers?” You’ll see the entire sequence laid out for your tapping pleasure.
  6. Check your diet. Say, “How many calories in a small apple?” Wolfram will tell you that there are 75.
  7. Ask out about time zones. Say, “Wolfram, what is the local time in Jakarta?”
  8. Query about your chances. Say, “Wolfram, what is the probability of a full house?” For a random five-card hand, it’s apparently 1 in 694.
  9. Have fun with pop culture. Say, “What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” or “Wolfram, who shot the sheriff?”
  10. Visualize colors. Okay, I’ve saved the best for last. If you work with colors, this can save you a lot of time. Say, “Wolfram pound sign E 9 7 4 5 1″ (for Burnt Sienna / Tangerine) or “Wolfram pound sign 2 9 A B 8 7″ (for Jungle Green). This will also convert the colors to RGB values and look up closely-matching brand colors from Benjamin Moore. Make sure to scroll down to catch all the helpful information.

This post was last modified on oct. 30, 2011, 7:26 PM 19:26

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