Un barbat care suna la politie si reclama in repetate randuri ca are un iPhone stricat, este arestat

   Povestea aceasta vine din SUA, tara tuturor posibilitatilor si a ciudatilor. Barbatul din imagini are 48 de ani, se numeste Michael Alan Skopec si a fost arestat de catre politia unui oras american deoarece a sunat de 5 ori la serviciul de urgenta 911 reclamand faptul ca are un iPhone stricat. Barbatul era desigur beat si a fost arestat pentru ca nu a vrut sa respecte ordinele date de un ofiter al unei sectii de politie. Nu se stie deocamdata ce anume l-a motivat pe barbat sa sune la politie si sa reclame faptul ca are un iPhone stricat insa in SUA orice e posibil.

An Illinois man was arrested early yesterday after he called 911 on several occasions to complain that his iPhone was not working. Michael Alan Skopec, 48, dialed police emergency operators five times to beef about his malfunctioning Apple product, according to a Kendall County Sheriff’s Office report. Cops traced the calls to Skopec’s home, where he was arrested around 1 AM yesterday when he “refused to comply with orders from deputies,” according to a sheriff’s spokesperson. Skopec, pictured in the above mug shot, was charged with obstructing or resisting a peace officer, a misdemeanor.

   Suna ciudat? Nicidecum, e doar o zi normala de munca pentru politia americana.

This post was last modified on nov. 11, 2011, 9:12 PM 21:12

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