Video: Six Guns disponibil in App Store Noua Zeelanda

   Six Guns este cel mai nou joc dezvoltat de catre compania franceza Gameloft, joc pe care deocamdata doar cei din Noua Zeelanda il pot descarca desi este disponibil de doua zile in respectivul App Store. Jocul are drept tema centrala vestul salbatic si un cowboy care inarmat pana in dinti omoara cam tot ce ii iese in cale. Trailerul pe care il vedeti mai sus a fost publicat acum cateva saptamani de Gameloft si puteti observa ca din punct de vedere grafic jocul arata bine insa ramane de vazut cum va fi gameplay-ul dar si modului de control, un punct nu prea slab a celor de la Gameloft.

   Iata principalele caracteristici ale Six Guns :

Buck Crosshaw never shot a man who didn’t deserve it, but now he’s an outlaw who had to fake his own death and escape to Arizona. But in escaping one evil, Buck is about to face another, for an ancient and wicked force stirs in the hills of this mysterious region. 

Freely explore an open world set in Arizona and Oregon full of events, mystery and challenges for you to discover as you become completely immersed in the story and the action. But don’t be fooled by this land’s beauty – outlaws, vampires & many other unnatural foes lurk in every shadow.

Take on 40 missions with a great variety of tasks for you to overcome. You’ll race horses, take out robbers, fend off waves of enemies and more along the way!

In this kill-or-be-killed land, you’ll need to unlock all 8 different horses, 19 weapons and a wide selection of clothes, ammo and other items to help you on your journey.

It costs you nothing to download and play the game to the end!

   Jocul ar trebui sa fie disponibil gratuit in versiune universala in App Store dar nu se stie cand. Chiar daca aplicatia in sine este gratuita, pentru a avea acces la toate functiile va trebui sa cumparati restul jocului prin in-app purchase.

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