O firma din Ungaria a facut o statuie de bronz in memoria lui Steve Jobs

  Desi aparent Steve Jobs nu ar avea vreo legatura cu o companie din Ungaria, iata ca firma Graphisoft a facut probabil prima statuie de bronz din lume care il intruchipeaza le celebrul CEO al companiei Apple. In anii ’80 Steve Jobs a donat companiei din Ungaria bani si calculatoare pentru a o ajuta sa se dezvolte iar astazi Graphisoft este una dintre cele mai bune din lume in domeniul sau. Presedintele companiei sustine ca statuia din bronz reprezinta un mod de a isi arata recunostinta pentru omul care a ajutat la dezvoltarea Graphisoft.

“He was one of the greatest (personalities) in our era, that’s what we wanted to express with this sculpture here,” Graphisoft Chairman Gabor Bojar told Reuters. “We have felt his spirit every day and now it is embodied,” he said. “We hope that we can deserve with our entrepreneurial culture in Hungary what this sculpture expresses as a message.” “In some ways, Apple was a religion,” Bojar said at the unveiling ceremony, comparing the experts from Cupertino-based Apple who helped educate Graphisoft’s engineers to evangelists.

  Este mai mult decat neobisnuit gestul celor din Ungaria si eu unul ma asteptam sa vad asa ceva in SUA insa iata ca binele facut de Jobs acum cateva decenii i-a motivat pe cei de la Graphisoft sa comande statuia din imagini.

This post was last modified on dec. 21, 2011, 9:02 PM 21:02

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