Steve Wozniak nu este chiar atat de multumit de Siri si iPhone 4S

   Steve Wozniak este unul dintre co-fondatorii companiei Apple si unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai fostului CEO Steve Jobs. Desi alaturi de Jobs a pus bazele uneia dintre cele mai mari companii din lume, Steve Wozniak este un fan al tehnologiei si pe langa iDevice-uri foloseste terminale Android. Wozniak si-a cumparat desigur si recent lansatul iPhone 4S insa din pacate nu a fost chiar atat de multumit de modul in care se comporta dispozitivul. El sustine ca a avut probleme cu bateria si a fost nevoit sa inchida unele setari pentru a putea folosi terminalul o perioada mai lunga de timp insa nici Siri nu a fost pe placul sau. Principalele sale probleme au legatura cu faptul ca Siri are nevoie de o conexiune de internet pentru a functiona si conform lui sistemul Voice Actions din Android este din anumite privinte mai bun.

With the iPhone, something happened with the new OS or the new phone, and it just started running through the battery so fast. I’ve had a lot of issues with things I have to turn off just to save the battery life. I have a lower success rate with Siri than I do with the voice built into the Android, and that bothers me. I’ll be saying, over and over again in my car, ‘Call the Lark Creek Steak House,’ and I can’t get it done. Then I pick up my Android, say the same thing, and it’s done. […] On the 4S I can only do that when Siri can connect over the Internet. But many times it can’t connect. I’ve never had Android come back and say, ‘I can’t connect over the Internet. […] Plus I get navigation. Android is way ahead on that.

  Multi posesori de iDevie-uri se afla in exact aceeasi situatie si din pacate Apple nu pare sa reuseasca sa rezolve problemele din cauza carora posesorii de terminale iPhone 4S se plang. Ceea ce Steve Wozniak spune acum trebuie analizat cu mare atentie de catre cei din conducerea companiei din Cupertino pentru ca pe viitor Apple are nevoie de oamenii care au ajutat-o sa devina una dintre cele mai puternice companii IT din lume.

The people I recommend the iPhone 4S for are the ones who are already in the Mac world, because it’s so compatible, and people who are just scared of computers altogether and don’t want to use them. The iPhone is the least frightening thing. For that kind of person who is scared of complexity, well, here’s a phone that is simple to use and does what you need it to do.

This post was last modified on ian. 16, 2012, 9:36 PM 21:36

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