Video: Siri, problema accentelor si o reclama amuzanta

  Asistentul personal Siri din iphone 4S a fost conceput pentru a fi utilizat cu doar cateva limbi internationale de pe glob. Printre ele se numara desigur limba engleza cu accentele britanice si australiene, limba franceza si limba germana. Desi scotienii vorbesc in esenta engleza, Siri nu poate recunoaste accentul lor si clipul video de mai sus ne demonstreaza cat de problematica este utilizarea asistentului. Clipul video a fost facut in urma publicarii acestui articol in ziarul LA Times, articol care sustine ca in Scotia terminalul iPhone 4S nu este chiar atat de popular tocmai pentru ca Siri nu functioneaza corespunzator.

Since the phone debuted in October, many of the Scots who rushed to buy it have discovered that their new “smart” gadget can’t understand them. This is true despite the fact that their phones are set to “English (United Kingdom)” under the “language” setting for Siri, which doesn’t seem to take the distinctive Scottish burr into much account. “What’s the weather like today?” Darren Lillie said hopefully into his iPhone recently here in the Scottish capital, in a demonstration for an American reporter.

Lillie, 25, is Edinburgh born and bred, and his thick accent shows it. Siri thought for a moment, then decided it best to repeat what it thought it heard.

“What’s available in Labor Day?” it asked. Lillie shook his head. “I don’t even know what Labor Day is,” he said ruefully to the American, who told him.

  Probleme de acest gen sunt intalnite de catre toti cei care incearca sa foloseasca Siri cu un accent greu de inteles insa trebuie avut in vedere faptul ca Siri este disponibil in versiune beta in momentul de fata. In viitor Siri va sti sa recunoasca fara probleme o varietate de limbi insa daca incercati sa il utilizati acum s-ar putea sa aveti problemele prezentate in clipul de mai sus.

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This post was last modified on feb. 1, 2012, 12:58 PM 12:58

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