TinyAssistant micsoreaza interfata Siri

  TinyAssistant este un nou tweak lansat in cursul serii trecute in Cydia care permite posesorilor de terminale iPhone 4S sa reduca interfata asistentului personal Siri. In mod normal interfata Siri este afisata pe aproximativ 40% din suprafata eranului atunci cand nu ati rostit o intrebare si pentru unii se pare ca exista o problema cu spatiul ocupat de ea. Aici intervine TinyAssistant care reduce interfata asistententului Siri la marimea task switcher-ului insa asta numai atunci cand nu ati pus o intrebare care sa fie recunoscuta de Siri.

Requires iOS 5 or higher. Requires Siri capability or Spire. Have you every asked yourself: “Why the half declared window of Siri is so big is there is some parts I don’t need, and Apple can resize it?”

TinyAssistant allows you to make the half declared window of Siri to be in the same size of your switcher, and hides the help button (if you need it, just tell to siri:”Help”) and the label “What can I help you with?”, so there will be only the button.

  TinyAssistant este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia insa cei care l-au testat sustin ca el nu functioneaza 100% corect.

This post was last modified on feb. 4, 2012, 4:52 PM 16:52

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