WeeTrackData afiseaza in Notifications Center traficul de internet facut pe un iDevice

  WeeTrackData este un tweak pentru Notifications Center-ul din iOS care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa afiseze in centrul de notificari intreg traficul de date facut pe un iDevice. Tweak-ul afiseaza un Widget in Notifications Center si in el putem seta o valoarea maxima de trafic de internet pe care o putem face iar widget-ul va calcula traficul facut si cel ramas pentru a sti tot timpul cat mai putem folosi din el. Tweak-ul afiseaza atat traficul de upload cat si cel de download si vine cu mai multe display-uri care pot fi accesate printr-un simplu swype in stanga/dreapta.

WeeTrackData is the easiest tool to keep track of your cellular data usage. You can access all the necessary statistic about your data transfers right from the iOS Notification Center! WeeTrackData is especially made for customers with limited data volumes, so you can set up a monthly data volume and the widget shows you live time stats about your data usage in the current month, the last 7 days or the current day usage in a very beautiful and simple way. Languages: English, German, Dutch, Spain, French, more available soon! Swipe the display to see other views. Notification Center addons can be configured from the Settings app, in the Notifications panel.

  WeeTrackData functioneaza doar pe iOS 5 si doar cu terminale iPhone iar in Cydia il gasiti in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia pentru 2.99$.

This post was last modified on feb. 10, 2012, 9:16 AM 09:16

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