Tim Cook isi petrece 80 – 90% din timp pe iPad si ne explica de ce tableta este atat de populara

  In cadul conferintei despre tehnologie ce a fost organizata aseara de catre Goldman Sachs, Tim Cook a afirmat ca la serviciu isi petrece 80 – 90% din timp folosind o tableta iPad. Desigur ca Apple incearca sa promoveze utilizarea tabletei iPad in companii si afirmatiile lui Tim Cook trebuie privite cu oarecare neincredere insa popularitatea tabletei este de necontestat. In doar 7 trimestre fiscale(1 an si aproroximativ 10 luni de zile) Apple a vandut 55 de milioane de tablete iPad. Facand o comparatie cu restul produselor Apple, Cook spune ca au fost nevoie de 22 de ani pentru a vinde atatea Mac-uri, 5 ani pentru a vinde atatea iPod-uri si trei ani pentru a vinde acelasi numar de terminale iPhone.

55 million iPads shipped is something no one would have guessed, including us. It took us 22 years to sell 55 million Macs. It took 5 years to sell 55 million iPods. It took three years for us to ship that many iPhones. The trajectory is off the charts.

  Tim Cook spune ca tableta este atat de populara pentru ca nu a existat ceva asemanator inaintea sa si oamenii erau deja obisnuiti cu ecosistemul Apple. Inaintea lansarii tabletei aveam deja iTunes, iPhone-uri, iPod-uri si lumea stia cum sa intearctioneze cu ele iar trecerea la iPad a fost extrem de simpla. In final Tim Cook considera ca in urmatorii ani vanzarile de tablete iPad vor intrece cu usurinta vanzarile combinate ale unor producatori de PC-uri, ele au intrecut deja vanzarile de Mac-uri insa Apple nu isi face griji ca lumea va uita de primele sale produse.

The reason the iPad is so big is because it stands on the shoulders of everything that came before it. Before iPad, the iTunes Store and App Store were already in place. People were already trained on iPhones, so they knew about multitouch. So you could literally give an iPad to anyone and there was no learning: I gave one to my mother, and she knew how to use it just by watching the commercials.With the shades pulled, we started using the iPad well before it was launched. For my own personal behavior, it became obvious quickly that 80-90% of my consumption and work was done on the iPad. From the day it shipped, we believed the tablet market would become larger than the PC market, and I feel it stronger today than I did then.

I love the Mac. The Mac is still growing, and I believe it can still grow. But I strongly believe that the tablet market can beat the unit sales numbers of PCs, and do it soon.Apple at the end of the day believes that people want the best product,” says Cook. “So Amazon is a different kind of competitor. Price isn’t important. No one talks about the great deal they got on a product that sucks. We love our competitors, as long as they invent their own stuff.

This post was last modified on feb. 15, 2012, 8:33 AM 08:33

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