Fibble – primul joc lansat de catre Crytek pentru platforma iOS(Video)

  Crytek, compania dezvoltatoare a celebrului joc Crysis a prezentat aseara la GDC(Game developer Conference) primul sau titlu pentru paltforma iOS care va purta numele Fibble. Jocul este complet diferit de celebra serie Crysis pe care toata lumea o asteapta pe iDevice-uri insa este primul facut folosind motorul grafic CryEngine 3 deci ar trebui sa arate grozav si ar trebui sa le dea celor de la Crytek curajul de a face alte jocuri mult mai complexe. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentata

functionalitatea jocului si observati ca el nu este dedicat celor obisnuiti cu FPS-uri.

Crytek’s first mobile game stars the cute but curiously brave extraterrestrial explorer ‘Fibble’, who crash lands in a suburban home on the wonderfully blue planet, Earth. In the dramatic crash, Fibble becomes separated from his crew as they’re scattered all over the mysterious house. In order for the gang to return safely to their home planet, the player needs to help Fibble regroup with his mates, by searching every corner room by room. This endeavor is not as easy as it sounds though, and throughout the adventure, Fibble will need all the help he can get from a crowd of very helpful Mini creatures that each possess a particular skill set.

  Fibble va fi lansat in primavara acestui an in App Store si desigur ca asteptam de la Crytek ceva mult mai serios.

This post was last modified on mart. 6, 2012, 7:53 AM 07:53

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