Apple modifica design-ul App Store-ului pentru iPad, introduce o noua categorie numita Catalog

  In cursul serii trecute compania Apple a lucrat din greu la cateva modificari implementate in App Store-ul tabletei iPad. Pentru inceput Apple a modificat sectiunea cu topul celor mai cumparate/descarcate aplicatii din App Store iar noul design permite utilizatorilor sa faca swipe-uri laterale pentru a vedea toate aplicatiile listate acolo. In trecut trebuia sa incarcam manual listele cu aplicatii insa noul design este mult mai intuitiv si scuteste utilizatorii de multa munca in plus pentru descoperirea aplicatiilor de care sunt interesati.

  A doua modificare sesizata de multi utilizatori are legatura cu includerea unei nou sectiuni numita Catalog in care deocamdata nu este listat absolut nimic. Se speculeaza ca Apple ar permite companiilor sa adauge acolo cate un catalog in care sa listeze produsele disponibile in propriile magazine online si nu numai. Pentru a va face o idee in legatura cu ceea ce veti gasi acolo puteti descarca aplicatia Catalog Spree

(numai din App Store SUA) iar in ea veti avea listate diverse companii americane plus cate un catalog cu produselelor. Mai jos aveti o declaratie a dezvoltatorului Catalog Spree care explica de ce acest gen de aplicatii sunt foarte importante pentru App Store.

“The impact of the iPad in the shopping and publication industries has been massive.  Many thousands of apps have been added over the last 2 years to address the consumers need to interact with their favorite books, magazines and brands within an iPad optimized experience.  Just last week at eTail in Palm Springs, hundreds of retailers gathered to here from thought leaders in the mobile space about how important the iPad is for prospecting, engagement and customer acquisition.  Catalog Spree has been the leader in the catalog shopping app space since first launched in late April 2011.  Until today (the day before the “iPad 3″ launch), Catalog Spree and dozens of other shopping entertainment apps have been categorized in the “Lifestyle” category in the Apple App Store.  Today, Apple has added a new top level category called “Catalogs” to the App Store.  As of yet, there are no listed apps in that category but we expect that to change tomorrow after Apple’s “iPad 3″ announcement.  Adding an app category is not something that Apple does lightly and we believe Apple’s decision reflects the importance of this usecase in the Apple App Store ecosystem.”

  Am vazut ce a schimbat Apple aseara pentru noi, ramane de vazut ce schimbari urmeaza sa faca in viitorul apropiat.

This post was last modified on mart. 7, 2012, 8:55 AM 08:55

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