Apple nu ofera tratament preferential celebritatilor sau oamenilor bogati

  Majoritatea companiilor de pe glob ar fi extrem de fericite daca un actor, un sportiv sau un om clasat in topurile celor mai bogate persoane de pe glob ar utiliza un anumit produs insa la Apple lucrurile sunt complet diferite. Compania din Cupertino refuza sa ofere tratament preferential celebritatilor cand vine vorba de lansarea produselor noi si unor nume mari din SUA le-au fost refuzate cererile de a primi un iDevice cu doar cateva zile inaintea lansarii. Shaquille O’Neil, Bradley Frank(Celebrity publicist, Rogers & Cowen), Channing Frye(Forward, Phoenix Suns) si altii au incercat sa il convinga chiar si pe Steve Jobs sa le ofere un produs inaintea lansarii oficiale insa au fost intampinati de un refuz ferm.

Shaquille O’Neil

I’ve always wanted to be the one that’s on the edge of technological curve. I always wanted to be ahead of everybody else. The great Steve Jobs, rest in peace, when the iPhone was first coming out, I used to call him every other day. Can I please get one first? Can I please get one first? He never gave me one. He said, ‘Shaq, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.’ He was a great guy.

Bradley Frank

When we shot the last Old Spice campaign with Isaiah Mustafa, Apple was shooting the iPad 2 campaign on the next sound studio. We tried to check it out, but it was like machine-gun guards, check-in at different stations. They had code names. It was like dealing with the CIA. Then they walked their asses right onto our set, and had no issue doing that. They just walked onto our set! We were like, ‘What are you doing? You can’t do that!’ And when the iPhone 4 came out, I can’t tell you how many clients were like, ‘We need that early.’ And Apple’s like, ‘No.

Channing Frye

My cousin works for Apple, in marketing. I bug her every day about what’s coming out. All she can say is, ‘What you have works perfectly fine.’ Literally, they are like a secret society–if I tell, I have to kill you. It’s just wild how they are so tight-lipped about everything. That makes everyone want it so much more–and the NBA is sponsored by Apple, basically. I’ve yet to see a player use a PC on the road. So, we’re all interested. I went to Apple and visited once, checked it out, looked around. I was more interested in if I could find any secret codes. But I can’t hide. I’m too big for that.

  Practic Apple are parte de extrem de multa atentie atunci cand lanseaza un iDevice si se pare ca oferirea unuia cadou inaintea lansarii nu ar ajuta absolut deloc la promovarea produsului. Pe de alta parte compania incearca sa afiseze o atitudine de corectitudine, incearca sa ne spuna ca toti suntem egali in fata ei cand in realitate stim cu totii ca lucruruile sunt complet diferite.

This post was last modified on mart. 14, 2012, 8:53 AM 08:53

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