Data Usage Monitor iti spune in timp real cat trafic de date faci(Video)

  Data Usage Monitor este un nou tweak publicat recent in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa verifice in timp real traficul de date facut de pe propriile terminale. Tweak-ul afiseaza in status bar un counter in KB/MB pentru traficul de date pe care il faceti si in timp ce navigati pe internet sau utilizati aplicatii veti observa cum este facut traficul. Tweak-ul permite vizualizarea statisticilor pentru download/upload atat pentru sesiunile Personal HotSpot cat si pentru sesiunile voastre deci veti sti tot timpul daca vreo aplicatie sau vreun utilizator va folosesc conexiunea de date.

Statusbar indicator when downloading over data! This tweak is a money-saver! It allows you to monitor the cellular data traffic, live on your statusbar.

While you browse in any networking application such as safari, facebook, youtube, twitter etc. You can watch the data bandwidth usage right on your statusbar, ensuring you won’t exceed your data plan’s limit, plus knowing what does an application actually download in MBs. It also shows live data usage for Personal Hotspot clients! Customizations allow you to set what should be shown in real time. You can also specify a bandwidth limit in MB so you will be notified if you exceed it. It adds a bonus LIFETIME data usage stats in its settings.

  Data Usage Monitor functioneaza cu orice iDevice si din meniul Settings al iOS puteti alege cum sa ii personalizati statisticile afisate. Data Usage Monitor este disponibil pentru 1.99$ in Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 22, 2012, 10:08 PM 22:08

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