Cainele robot cu \”fata\” de iPhone(Video)

  Japonezii au unele dintre cele mai ciudate inventii si astazi am pentru voi un caine robot care in loc de cap are un terminal iPhone. Robotul functioneaza cu ajutorul unei aplicatii care afiseaza imagini cu o “fata” si poate reproduce diverse sunete implementate de catre dezvoltator in ea. Dispozitivul nu are stabilit un pret deocamdata insa arata destul de interesant dar are un set limitat de miscari deci nu va puteti astepta sa faceti foarte multe cu el. In Japonia asemenea produse sunt extrem de bine primite insa in Occident nu stiu cati utilizatori ar cheltui cateva sute de dolari pe un robot care nu ofera chiar atat de multe.

The smart pet uses the front facing camera on the iOS device to recognize and react to certain gestures, and there will be over 100 different kinds of expressions that the pet can make. There will also be support for importing your own photos of your pets (or whoever you want, really), and there will be some sort of Bluetooth connectivity to allow multiple smart pets to interact with each other. And, perhaps most important of all, your smart pet comes equipped with the ability to sneeze. Sounds adorable.

This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 12:35 PM 12:35

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