Steve Jobs a fost declarat cel mai mare antreprenor al timpurilor noastre de catre Fortune Magazine

  Steve Jobs a fost un geniu, Steve Jobs nu a fost un inventator ci un inovator, el nu producea produsele Apple pe care le vedem noi astazi insa avea intuitia, claritatea si viziunea care ii dadau posibilitatea de a ghici tot ceea ce au oamenii nevoie. Steve Jobs a fost cel care a propulsat compania Apple pe locul in care o vedem noi astazi insa el nu a dezvoltat componentele hardware sau Mac OS/iOS-ul ci a stiut sa indice exact ce aveau nevoie produsele companiei Apple si a stiut sa le vanda. Steve Jobs a fost un care si-a asumat riscuri si a stiut sa convinga oamenii din jurul sau ca tot ceea ce spune el poate fi obtinut iar asta i-a determinat pe cei de la Fotune Magazine sa il numeasca drept cel mai mare antreprenor al timpurilor noastre.

Jobs’ own intuition, his radar-like feel for emerging technologies and how they could be brought together to create, in his words, “insanely great” products, ultimately made the difference. For Jobs, who died last year at 56, intuition was no mere gut call. It was, as he put it in his often-quoted commencement speech at Stanford, about “connecting the dots,” glimpsing the relationships among wildly disparate life experiences and changes in technology.

Though he could be abusive and mean-spirited to people who threw themselves into their work on his behalf, Steve Jobs has been our generation’s quintessential entrepreneur. Visionary. Inspiring. Brilliant. Mercurial.

  Cei de la Fortune Magazine au alcatuit o lista a celor mai mari antreprenori ai timpurilor noastre si in urma lui Steve Jobs se claseaza Bill Gates, Fred Smith – fondatorul FedEx, Jeff Bezos – fondatorul Amazon, Larry Page si Sergey Brin – fondatorii Google si lista continua. Steve Jobs merita fara indoiala acest titlu avand in vedere ca el a reusit sa creeze nu doar o companie de succes dar si o masa de clienti care il idolatrizau.

  1. Steve Jobs – Apple
  2. Bill Gates – Microsoft
  3. Fred Smith – FedEx
  4. Jeff Bezos – Amazon
  5. Larry Page & Sergey Brin – Google
  6. Howard Schultz – Starbucks
  7. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
  8. John Mackey – Whole Foods
  9. Herb Kelleher – Southwest Airlines
  10. Narayana Murthy – Infosys
  11. Sam Walton – Wal-Mart Stores
  12. Muhammad Yunus – Grameen Bank

This post was last modified on mart. 26, 2012, 9:12 AM 09:12

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