Intel sustine ca ultrabook-urile sale se vor vinde mai bine decat MacBook Air sau iPad

  Cei de la Intel lanseaza o serie noua de ultrabook-uri pe piata si in campania lor de promovare MacBook Air-ul pare sa fie una dintre primele victime desi Apple este un partener important pentru cei de la Intel. Intr-o discutie cu un redactor al PCWorld, un reprezentant al Intel sustine ca ultrabook-urile companiei sunt mult mai bune decat MacBook Air-ul sau tableta iPad. El sustine ca sistemul de operare Windows, functiile oferite de acesta si pretul ultrabook-urilor vor fi principalele puncte cheie care vor determina consumatorii sa ignore produsele Apple in viitorul apropiat.

The MacBook Air is a great product, sure. It has the Intel Core processor, it’s a great choice for someone who wants to invest in the Mac operating system, and it offers some of the things we talked about. But really, with the Ultrabook, it’s about offering all those things in the same device–the great responsiveness, the great battery life–and with an operating system that people have come to love over the years, as well as all the legacy applications that they would like to run. And they want to do all this at mainstream price points, which is where we think one of the biggest key differentiators is, and the biggest value that Intel can bring to this space. We can actually get the ecosystem to move to an extent [that it will] bring all of these great features in a laptop down to mainstream price points.

  Este adevarat ca produsele Apple sunt scumpe insa pentru pretul platit pe ele primiti tot ceea ce va doriti dar Intel pare hotarata sa reduca acel pret pentru a deveni competitiva intr-o piata extrem de dura. In clipul video de mai sus aveti o prezentare a unui model de ultrabook propus de cei de la Intel si presupun ca produsele lor vor avea succes pe piata avand in vedere ca vin de la un producator atat de renumit pe plan mondial. Desi cei de la Intel sustin ca ultrabook-urile lor ofera aceeasi autonomie si sunt la fel de subtiri precum un MacBook Air, deocamdata nu exista foarte multe opinii in ceea ce le priveste.

We say “mainstream price points” rather than exact figures because it differs for every market and depends on your perspective. For example, [we were speaking with] a Korean businessperson at a trade show who said that $1000 was a very low price point for them. But $1000 might be high from your perspective, so we say “mainstream price point” to mean what the market will bear.

  Vorbind despre superioritatea fata de tableta iPad, cei de la Intel spun ca o tableta nu ofera utilizatorilor un sistem de operare complex si o tastatura pe masura, lucruri foarte adevarate insa o tableta este mult mai ieftina decat un ultrabook. Poate ca MacBook Air-ul va fi uitat de consumatori in anumite piete de pe glob insa mi-e greu sa cred ca un ultrabook de 1000$ va convinge pe cineva sa nu cumpere o tableta de 5 – 600$.

This post was last modified on apr. 3, 2012, 8:22 AM 08:22

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