Apple breveteaza un stylus, din pacate probabil nu il vei folosi vreodata

  Companiei Apple i-a fost inregistrat recent un nou brevet de inventie care descrie un stylus ce are implementat haptic feedback si poate urmari pozitia utilizatorului fata de un iDevice. Incep cu tehnologia optica din stylus, tehnologie care ar permite celor de la Apple sa urmareasca pozitia utilizatorului in raport cu iDevice-ul folosind o camera inclusa in stylus. Ajutandu-se de camera, accelerometru giroscop si senzori de presiune, stylusul ar ajusta interfata iDevice-ului in functie de modul in care il foloseste utilizatorul, imbunatatind in final experienta de utilizare. Desigur ca implementarea tuturor acestor tehnologii intr-un stylus ar trebui sa aiba o motivatie foarte buna si software pe masura, lucruri care deocamdata lipsesc in iOS.

In some embodiments, a stylus is provided with an optical sensor, such as a camera, that is used in determining a location and movement of the stylus relative to a touch screen display of a computing device. It should be appreciated, however, that displays other than touch screens may be implemented in some embodiments. The optical stylus may be configured to transmit the location and movement to the computing device. In some embodiments, the optical stylus may be configured to process and/or filter the location and movement information prior to transmission, whereas in other embodiments, raw data may be transmitted.

  Trecem de la partea optica la cea de feedback deoarece Apple isi imagineaza ca stylusul sau ar putea oferi haptic feedback celor care il utilizeaza. Mai exact, Apple spune ca poate implementa un actuator haptic care ar vibra si ar oferi utilizatorilor feedback atunci cand folosesc ecranul. Practic Apple isi imeagineza ca poate construi o interfata care ar oferi utilizatorilor feedback atunci cand apasa pe anumite butoane sau pe anumite iconite si cred ca ideea este interesanta, dar poate ca ar fi mai bine sa o implementeze direct in ecran si nu intr-un accesoriu tert.

Generally, input devices do not provide haptic feedback to a user in response to interactions with the input device. The user can typically only feel the rigid surface of the touch screen, making it difficult to find icons, hyperlinks, text boxes, or other user-selectable input elements on the display. An input device capable of generating haptic feedback may help a user navigate content displayed on the display screen, and may further serve to enhance the content of various applications by creating a more appealing and realistic user interface. “Haptic feedback” may be any tactile feedback. Examples include forces, vibrations, and/or motions that may be sensed by the user.

  Desi tehnologiile celor de la Apple sunt foarte interesante, ele rareori ajungi sa fie implementate in produse si cred ca acest stylus nu va fi o exceptie.

This post was last modified on mai 24, 2012, 8:26 PM 20:26

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