EasyMeasure te ajuta sa masori distanta dintre tine si obiecte plus dimensiunile acestora

  EasyMeasure este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem masura distanta dintre noi si diversele obiecte din jurul nostru folosind camera inclusa in propriile iDevice-uri. Pe langa distanta dintre noi si obiecte, tweak-ul masoara inclusiv dimensiunile acestora, astfel ca veti putea afla cat de mare este o cladire, un copac sau o masina catre care aveti indreptata camera. EasyMeasure afiseaza propria interfata peste cea a aplicatiei Settings din iOS, iar in imaginile din acest articol aveti totul prezentat.

EasyMeasure shows you the distance to objects seen through the camera lens of your iPhone or iPad. Simply aim your iPhone/iPad to any object in your surroundings, and EasyMeasure displays the distance towards that object on top of the camera image. With its amazing 3D camera overlay grid, using EasyMeasure is very intuitive and easy! Find out how far it is towards that boat at the other side of the lake. Measure how tall buildings are. Use the app as a golf-aid. Measure your friend’s height (and width :P). The possibilities are endless!

How does it work? EasyMeasure uses the height of the camera lens and its tilt angle to calculate the distance to the object. A  comprehensive animated tutorial on how to use EasyMeasure is included.

  Probabil va intrebati cum anume calculeaza EasyMeasure distanta dintre obiecte sau dimensiunile acestora avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un simplu tweak. Ei bine el foloseste un algoritm special care verifica inaltimea la care utilizati camera plus unghiul de inclinare a acesteia pentru a calcula distanta fata de obiecte. Dezvoltatorul tweak-ului a inclus chiar si un tutorial care ne ajuta sa folosim EasyMeasure, deci ar trebui sa va puteti descurca rapid de indata ce il instalati.


  • User friendly interface with Retina Display Graphics and 3D engine
  • Measures distance, height and width of objects!
  • Includes the possibility to calibrate your iPhone/iPad for most accurate results!
  • Displays accuracy of measurement
  • Make a snapshot of the image with the distance and store it in the photo album for later use.
  • Supports Metric and Imperial units.
  • Animated tutorial to explain the measurement procedure.
  • “Dynamic Photos”: Analyze and adapt measurements after photo is taken!
  • Switch on flashlight for measurements in the dark!

NOTE: Measurements taken with EasyMeasure are not as accurate as measurements taken with standard tools. Do not use EasyMeasure for construction or other uses where inaccurate measurements could case personal injury or property damage.

  Tweak-ul are o sumedenie de functii incluse, insa din pacate calculele facute de el nu sunt la fel de exacte precum cele facute in realitate, deci nu trebuie sa va bazati pe ele daca aveti ceva important de masurat. EasyMeasure este disponibil in repo-ul ModMyi si poate fi achizitionat pentru 0.99$.

UPDATE: Se pare ca tweak-ul este in fapt o aplicatie disponibila grautit in App Store, deci nu va obositi sa il cumparati din Cydia.

Pretul initial:
EasyMeasure – Measure with your Camera!



Developer: Jaap van Kampen
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: EasyMeasure shows you the distance to objects seen through the camera lens of your iPhone or iPad. Simply aim your iPhone/iPad to any object in your surroundings, and EasyMeasure displays the distance towa…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 13.2 Mb


This post was last modified on mai 31, 2012, 8:32 PM 20:32

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