Steve Jobs, Jony Ive si “primul nume” al iPhone-ului

  Jony Ive si Steve Jobs au colaborat indeaproape la multe dintre produsele companiei Apple si relatia dintre ei era extrem de stransa, conform lui Ken Segall, un fost angajat al Apple si autor al unei carti despre viata lui Steve Jobs. Chiar daca Jobs si Ive erau apropiati, intre ei existau divergente in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea produselor Apple si una dintre aceste divergente a aparut atunci cand s-a decis ca iMac-ul va fi disponibil pe piata in mai multe culori. Pe langa celebra culoare Bondi Blue, Steve Jobs a luat decizia de a produce iMac-ul in mai multe culoir si asta spre uimirea si dezaprobarea lui Jony Ive care aparent ar fi parasit nervos intalnirea in care s-a luat decizia folosirii numeroaselor culori.

After 1998’s Bondi Blue iMac Apple decided to push the boat out and release a whole rainbow of the coloured computers the next year. Many models in various hues were collected together for Jobs, Ive, Segall and a few others to select from. But Ive was “driven crazy” by Steve’s choices, and eventually stormed out of the room to his holiday, shouting that Steve could choose any of the colours he liked but he was taking no more part in the discussion.

  Si o completare din biografia autorizata a lui Steve Jobs.

Ive soon came up with four new juicy-looking colors, in addition to bondi blue, for the iMacs. Offering the same computer in five colors would of course create huge challenges for manufacturing, inventory, and distribution. At most companies, including even the old Apple, there would have been studies and meetings to look at the costs and benefits. But when Jobs looked at the new colors, he got totally psyched and summoned other executives over to the design studio. “We’re going to do all sorts of colors!” he told them excitedly. When they left,Ive looked at his team in amazement. “In most places that decision would have taken months,” Ive recalled. “Steve did it in a half hour.”

  Practic Jobs lua decizii impulsive, indiferent ce credeau angajatii sai, iar aceste decizii erau luate in doar cateva zeci de minute, fara prea multa birocratie, asa cum se intampla in multe alte companii. Totusi Jobs a tinut cont de parerile angajatilor cand a ales denumirea iMac, altfel produsul s-ar fi numit MacMan, EveryMac sau chiar MiniMac.

  Lasand la o parte iMac-ul, puteti ghici oare care a fost una dintre primele denumiri ale terminalului iPhone? Desigur ca nu si presupun ca nici nu v-ar fi trecut prin gand ca angajatii Apple ar fi ales denumirea iPad pentru primul smartphone produs de catre Apple, insa in final s-a luat decizia utilizarii denumirii iPhone. Probabil va intrebati de ce ar fi fost aleasa acea denumire pentru un telefon, ei bine Segall spune ca tableta iPad a fost conceputa inaintea iPhone-ului si astfel s-a considerat ca ea ar fi mult mai potrivita.

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