Steve Wozniak nu este multumit de Siri(Video)

  Steve Wozniak, co-fondatorul companiei Apple, este si unul dintre cei mai infocati fani ai companiei, achizitionand fiecare produs lansat de catre cei din Cupertino. Intr-un interviu recent acordat unui ziar american, Wozniak a afirmat ca este dezamagit de modul in care a fost dezvoltat Siri si ca tehnologia prezentata de Apple anul trecut era folosita cu mult inainte sa fie reprezentata drept Siri. Wozniak nu este multumit de felul in care Siri intelege comenzile si raspunde in baza lor, insa spune ca aceasta este o piata de viitor pe care orice companie ar trebui sa o testeze.

“A lot of people say Siri. I say poo-poo,” Wozniak said. “I was using it to make reservations long before Apple bought it.” […]

He said he told family and friends about Siri and how “This was the future: speaking things in normal ways, feeling like you’re talking to a human and how Siri was the greatest program,” Wozniak said.

“Then Apple bought Siri,” he said. He then paused, lifted his right hand and gave it a big thumbs down. […]

“I’m really disappointed, but it’s still a market for the future,” Wozniak said. “I think voice recognition for all the platforms is going to get better and better and better at putting together complete sentences and phrases. What did a human really mean? Like, if you said ‘Five, I mean six.’ It will understand a backup, the little faults in our speech that humans understand. It will understand that eventually.”

  Lasand Siri in urma, Wozniak a fost entuziasmat de recentul keynote de deschidere al WWDC 2012 si a declarat ca ii place noul MacBook, insa ramane sa vedem care va fi parerea sa dupa ce va testa efectiv noul produs al Apple. Wozniak a sustinut Apple din umbra, insa a criticat intotdeauna produsele care nu s-au ridicat la nivelul asteptarilor sale/ale utilizatorilor si in viitor nu cred ca se va schimba ceva in atitudinea sa.

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