Castigatorii – Concurs: Castiga unul dintre cele 5 coduri gratuite pentru aplicatia Sparrow

  Sparrow ar putea fi cea mai buna aplicatie de tip mail disponibila pe platforma iOS, insa are o mica problema din cauza careia nu poate trimite notificari de tip Push iDevice-urilor. Dezvoltatorii aplicatiei au incercat sa ii convinga pe cei de la Apple sa ii lase sa utilizeze un sistem propriu de trimitere a notificarilor pentru email-uri, Apple a refuzat, insa asta nu i-a oprit pe dezvoltatori sa gandeasca o alta metoda prin care ar putea oferi aceasta functionalitate utilizatorilor. In viitorul apropiat Sparrow va trimite si notificari Push fara probleme, va fi disponibila si intr-o versiune dedicata tabletei iPad, iar acum eu va ofer posibilitatea de a o castiga in cadrul acestui concurs!

Sparrow is an iPhone mail client designed with love to provide you with an efficient and pleasant mailing experience. With its pane navigation, its new threading system and many new features, you’ll never look back.

  • Full IMAP and POP support: Use your Gmail, Hotmail, Google Apps, iCloud, Yahoo, AOL, Mobile Me and custom IMAP/POP accounts.
  • Unified Inbox: All your mails in a unique mailbox.
  • Attachments: Directly attach photos & images when composing a mail. No more cumbersome back and forth with your photo library.
  • Up & down your conversations: Swipe up or down on a message to navigate a conversation
  • Everything is a swipe away: Swipe once to uncover your mailboxes, labels and folders. Swipe again to get to your account list.
  • Faces: Mail is much nicer with your friends’ profile pictures.
  • Message swipe: Star, add a label, archive or delete a conversation right away simply by swiping a message.
  • Smart contacts: Your most frequent contacts on top of the list.
  • Send & Archive: The best way to reach inbox zero easily.
  • Built-in web browser: Navigate the web within Sparrow.
  • Quick mailbox switch: Navigate between your inbox, unread and favorites by tapping/swiping the top bar.
  • Mark all as read: One click to rule them all. You can also press a message for a few seconds to mark it as read/unread.
  • Thread view: Tap the top bar in the conversation to quickly navigate all messages in a thread.
  • Pull to refresh: Finally, the simplest way to refresh comes to email.
  • Priority Inbox support: Automatically identify your important email and separates it out from everything else.
  • Alias: Have a pro and a private mail address? Use alias to keep things separated.
  • Powerful search: Local and remote search allow you to find the mail you’re looking for.

  Pentru a participa la concurs trebuie doar sa lasati un comentariu cu textul Particip. Concursul se va incheia maine, 20.06.2012, la ora 08:00.

UPDATE – Castigatorii suntSullyOprea Andrei , PoisonDani , Sergiu . Codurile vor fi trimise in cursul zilei de maine!

This post was last modified on iun. 20, 2012, 3:23 PM 15:23

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