In Franta un grup de hoti inarmati cu arme Kalashnikov sau M16 a jefuit un camion plin cu produse Apple

  Desi pana acum am auzit ca diverse magazine Apple din SUA sau Europa au fost jefuite de hoti in timpul noptii, iata ca in Franta lucrurile merg ceva mai departe. Acolo un grup de hoti inarmati cu pusti mitraliera au jefuit un camion care transporta produse ale companiei Apple catre Paris. Camionul a fost oprit de hotii inarmati si din el au fost luate diverse produse care urmau sa ajunga in magazine, insa partea buna este ca politia a reusit sa recupereze respectivele produse, desi nu a reusit sa captureze si hotii care au stat la baza atacului.

Two drivers of a truck carrying hardware Apple were attacked Friday morning around 5 am 45 by several men armed in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis). The perpetrators – who are three or four according to preliminary results of the survey – are mounted on the truck and drove off with the drivers they have released in a wood Luzarches, in the Val d’Oise.

According to AFP, they were in possession of assault rifles, Kalashnikov or M16. This is in Les Mureaux, near Paris, the police located the truck. It was at that time that two people trying to unload the goods have fled. Shortly before 11 o’clock, the police investigators were conducting scientific surveys on the vehicle of gray.

  Cu adevarat important este faptul ca acel camion a fost jefuit de hoti care erau inarmati cu pusti mitraliera Kalashnikov sau M16, semn ca ei nu erau la prima operatiune de acest gen. E greu de spus daca ei stiau ca in camion se aflau sau nu produse ale companiei Apple, insa in general operatiunile de acest gen sunt special gandite pentru a fi desfasurate pe camioane care transporta produse ce au o valoare ridicata.

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