iColorizeLabel iti permite sa aduci la viata Springboard-ul iDevice-ului tau(Video)

  iColorizeLabel este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti aduce la viata Springboard-ul oricarui iDevice. Principala functionalitate a tweak-ului are legatura cu optiunea de a modifica fontul si culoarea numelor aplicatiilor, plus posibilitatea de a seta culor personalizate pentru anumite aplicatii disponibile in iDevice-urile voastre. Dupa ce ati ales culorile si fonturile lucrurile devin interesante deoarece va puteti transforma Springboard-ul intr-o instalatie a unui pom de Craciun cu ajutorul unei simple functii disponibile in meniul de setari al iColorizeLabel


Resize and colorize your icon labels! with iColorizeLabel you can easily design your icon labels again. With iColorizeLabel you are able to change anything connected to the label , including it’s font, size and color. You can even set a random color for each one of them. Another cool option added to iColorizeLabel is the “Live Colors” modes. With live colors you can choose one of the three animations presented and your icons will go “live”. Jumping colors – the color of each label will start moving . For example the color of the first label will be in a second the color of the second label and so on.

Moving all – the colors of all labells will be recolored in any second. For example in the beginning they will be red then orange then yellow then white and so on… Random all – the colors of all labells will be recolored randomly in any second

  Daca va uitati la clipul video de mai sus veti observa ca activarea acelei functii va genera un efect de aprindere intermitenta a numelor aplicatiilor sau de colorare diferita si aleatorie a acestora, totul in functie de preferintele voastre. iColorizeLabel este disponibil in Cydia si functioneaza teoretic pe toate iDevice-urile.

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