Madfinger Games a fost obligata sa ofere gratuit un joc pentru Android din cauza piratarii

  Madfinger Games, producatorul celebrelor titluri Dead Trigger si Shadowgun, a anuntat  pe pagina oficiala de pe Facebook faptul ca jocul Dead Trigger urmeaza sa fie oferit gratuit pe platforma Android din cauza faptului ca un numar foarte mare de utilizatori au ales sa pirateze titlul. Jocul era disponibil pentru doar 1$ in Google Play, insa se pare ca posesorii de terminale Android nu au la dispozitie sume enorme de bani pentru a cumpara aplicatii, asa ca prefera sa fure munca altor companii care acum se vad nevoite sa ofere titlurile gratuit.

Regarding price drop. HERE is our statement. The main reason: piracy rate on Android devices, that was unbelievably high. At first we intend to make this game available for as many people as possible – that’s why it was for as little as buck. – It was much less than 8$ for SHADOWGUN but on the other hand we didn’t dare to provide it for free, since we hadn’t got XP with free-to-play format so far. – However, even for one buck, the piracy rate is soooo giant, that we finally decided to provide DEAD TRIGGER for free. Anyway – DEAD TRIGGER is not FREEMIUM, it always was and still remains FREE-TO-PLAY, that means, all players are able to play it without IAP! We stand up for this statement, because all members of our team are playing (and enjoying) DEAD TRIGGER without IAP.

  Cei de la Madfinger spun ca rata de piratare a fost incredibil de mare, insa nu ofera si date concrete cu privire la numarul de copii care au fost intr-adevar piratate, dar probabil cifra este de ordinul sutelor de mii. Piratarea este o problema pe orice platforma, insa aceasta este una dintre putinele declaratii publice ale unui dezvoltator care sustine ca ofera un joc gratuit din cauza numarului mare de aplicatii piratate. Introducand o nota personala aici, consider ca un utilizator care nu are 1 $ sa cumpere o aplicatie ar trebui sa renunte la smartphone.

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Developer: MADFINGER Games, …
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Console-quality FPS action from the creators of SHADOWGUN!

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This post was last modified on iul. 24, 2012, 9:18 AM 09:18

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