Steve Jobs nu respecta regulile de securitate ale Apple, era sa arate iPhone 2G unui curier inaintea lansarii

  Steve Jobs era un rebel, nu respecta regulile, insa le impunea si le cerea angajatilor sa le respecte cu strictete in cadrul Apple. Chiar daca angajatii sai le respectau, Jobs nu prea tinea la ele si in anul 2007 era sa arate iPhone 2G unui curier inainte ca terminalul sa fie prezentat oficial intr-o conferinta Apple. Un fost angajat al companiei isi aminteste ca intr-o zi el si cativa colegi au mers acasa la Steve Jobs pentru a diagnostica anumite probleme ale iPhone-ului si desi ei au dus in cutii incuiate cateva prototipuri ale terminalului, Steve Jobs a iesit cu dispozitivul in mana pentru a accepta un colet de la un curier. Jobs a ascuns pur si simplu terminalul la spate cu o mana, insa angajatii sai au ramas uimiti de felul in care Jobs “respecta” regulile pentru care altii erau concediati daca le incalcau.

  Povestea de mai jos confirma din nou lejeritatea cu care Jobs privea lucrurile de acest gen, desi nu stiu cat mare ar fi fost problema daca respcetivul curier chiar vedea iPhone 2G.

The setting for the story was at the house of Steve Jobs in early 2007, described by the employee as “a no man’s land for WiFi, with thick walls.” The iPhone team was trying to debug issues with Wi-Fi on an early build of the device, and finally went to Jobs’ house to figure out what was happening.

As the team began to debug the issue, “this crazy ass medieval buzzer starts going off and startles us, and even startles Steve. He quickly figured out it was coming from the pedestrian gate on the other side of his house.”

The story continues — “Up walks the happiest FedEx guy you have ever seen, coming up to the door. It’s not Steve’s normal guy, which is why he was surprised. So Steve goes out to meet him because he has to sign for this package, but he’s got the iPhone in one of his hands. Steve just walks out casually, drops the phone behind his back, signs the package, and the FedEx dude marches off.”

The Apple employee explains that “when we carried the phones to his house, we carried them in these Pelican lock boxes. These phones were never to leave Apple’s campus, and Steve just casually throws it behind his back. That was the first time I saw someone casually come close to seeing the iPhone before it was announced, and he didn’t even know it. If the FedEx guy had just tilted his head, he would have seen it.”

This post was last modified on iul. 30, 2012, 7:50 PM 19:50

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