Jony Ive ar fi vrut sa renunte la lansarea iPhone-ului din cauza diverselor probleme aparute in procesul de dezvoltare

  iPhone-ul asa cum il stim noi astazi nu ar fi existat daca Jony Ive si inginerii Apple si-ar fi urmat intentiile si ar fi renuntat la dezvoltarea dispozitivului din cauza problemelor intampinate in procesul de dezvoltare. Jony Ive spune ca prototipurile iPhone-ului aveau diverse probleme, pe care unii le-au intalnit si in anii trecuti, insa echipa a reusit sa le rezolve cu destul de mult efort iar dispozitivul a ajuns pe piata. Ive spune ca procesul de dezvoltare a fost anevoios, insa in final toate problemele importante au fost rezolvate prin indarjirea avuta de el si angajatii Apple, dar au existat momente in care iPhone-ul era sa devina doar un proiect ratat al Apple.

Sir Jonathan, said on Monday that there were “multiple times” when the device was almost scrapped because the technology giant could not work out how to get around certain design flaws. “We nearly shelved the phone because we thought there were fundamental problems that we can’t solve. With the early prototypes, I held the phone to my ear and my ear [would] dial the number,” he said. “You have to detect all sorts of ear-shapes and chin shapes, skin colour and hairdo…that was one of just many examples where we really thought, perhaps this isn’t going to work.”

We have been, on a number of occasions, preparing for mass production and in a room and realised we are talking a little too loud about the virtues of something. That to me is always the danger, if I’m trying to talk a little too loud about something and realising I’m trying to convince myself that something’s good.

  Desigur ca asemenea probleme apar in cadrul echipelor oricaror companii atunci cand se dezvolta produse importante, insa este interesant sa le auzi prezentate, dar sa afli si ce anume i-a motivat pe dezvoltatori sa le rezolve.

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