80% dintre americani ar trece cu vederea iPad Mini in favoarea iPhone 5

  Se speculeaza ca iPhone 5 si iPad Mini urmeaza sa fie prezentate in data de 12 septembrie a acestui an asa ca pe americani se fac diverse studii pentru a afla care sunt tendintele de achizitie ale americanilor. Un recent studiu

facut de un website de ecommerce demonstreaza ca 80% dintre americani sunt dispusi sa treaca cu vederea iPad Mini daca iPhone 5 va fi lansat pe piata in aceeasi perioada cu noua tableta. Majoritatea celor care ar cumpara iPhone 5 detin deja un iPhone si considera ca tableta iPad Mini ar fi inutila deoarece ei ar folosi iPhone-ul mai des.

That’s what might happen to the iPad mini if it does indeed launch alongside the sixth-generation iPhone. According to a survey of 1,873 Americans conducted by CouponCodes4u.com, 78% of people said that they are likely to leave the iPad mini and pick up the new iPhone instead. 77% of those people said that already owned an iPhone already. When asked why the iPhone would be their preferred choice, 46% of people said the iPad mini was “pointless,” while 39% said that they would simply use the new iPhone more. 52% of those who said they would prefer the iPad mini over the new iPhone already owned an iPad. 69% of them said that the reason for their decision was that the new iPhone wouldn’t be all that different to the iPhone 4S. Interestingly, 41% of respondents said that Apple should follow the current “mini tablet” trend, and that it shouldn’t release an iPad mini at all.

  Mai important decat atat, majoritatea sustin ca decizia de a achizitiona iPhone 5 are la baza si faptul ca terminalul nu va fi chiar atat de diferit de iPhone 4S in ceea ce priveste design-ul. Informatiile sunt contradictorii cu cele din sondajul facut de catre mine, insa poate ca dupa lansara iPhone 5 lucrurile se vor linisti si vom sti mai clar care sunt preferintele consumatorilor.

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