Apple castiga un proces impotriva Motorola Mobility, poate bloca vanzarea unor terminale in Germania

  Dupa conferinta de aseara, vestile bune continua sa vina pentru Apple deoarece astazi un judecator german i-a acordat castig de cauza intr-un proces intentat Motorola Mobility. Procesul are la baza un brevet de inventie pentru sistemul “rubber-banding” care intinde elementele din meniuri atunci cand o pagina se termina. Acest brevet a fost folosit cu succes impotriva altor producatori de terminale Android pana acum, iar Motorola este doar o noua victima a unui sistem pe care Google nu l-a inlocuit la timp in Android OS-ul sau.

At the Munich I Regional Court, Presiding Judge Dr. Peter Guntz announced his panel’s decision, which had been pushed back by five weeks, on an Apple v. Motorola Mobility lawsuit over the “overscroll bounce”, or “rubber-banding”, patent. The accused Motorola Mobility tablets and smartphones were all found to infringe EP2126678 on “list scrolling and document translation, scaling, and rotation on a touch-screen display”, the European equivalent of U.S. Patent No. 7,469,381.

  Decizia de astazi ii permite companiei Apple sa scoata din vanzare terminale ale Motorola daca depune o cautiune de 25 de milioane de dolari, insa interdictia de vanzare ar fi temporara deoarece Motorola poate face apel impotriva hotararii. Acum cateva luni de zile Motorola a impus o hotarare impotriva Apple, obligand compania sa interzica posesorilor de iPhone-uri sa foloseasca functia push pentru email-urile sincronizate cu iCloud, iar drept razbunare cred ca Apple va impune acum aceasta decizie impotriva Motorola.

Apple can enforce a Germany-wide permanent (but appealable and, therefore, preliminarily-enforceable) injunction now by posting a 25 million bond (or making a deposit of the same amount), which it undoubtedly will. If it posts another 10 million euros, it can also obligate Motorola to destroy any infringing material, and for yet another 10 million euros it can get a recall. Furthermore, Motorola was held to owe Apple damages for past infringement.

  Motorola poate fi obligata sa plateasca si daune companiei Apple pentru incalcarea acestui brevet de inventie, insa totul este deocamdata neclar deoarece sigur vor urma un apel si o noua hotarare.

This post was last modified on sept. 13, 2012, 4:46 PM 16:46

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