Carcasa de aluminiu a iPhone 5 se zgarie destul de usor

  Din pacate unii care au achizitionat deja noul terminal iPhone 5 al celor de la Apple au realizat ca dispozitivul se zgarie destul de usor, cel putin pe carcasa de aluminiu. In imaginea de mai sus aveti o demonstratie a acestui lucru si unii au putut reproduce rezultatele folosind cheita de scoatere a cartelei SIM, de exemplu. Toate iPhone-urile se zgarie indiferent ce suprafata ar avea carcasa lor, nu cred ca vreo persoana mai poate fi surprinsa de acest lucru, asa ca nu va asteptati la altceva.

Ditching the glass back and reducing the thickness of the glass panel on the front has affected the design of the metal band around the edge of the iPhone. It is now chamfered and while that looks pretty, we’ve already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the “slate” coloured coating and, indeed, we’ve witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error.

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