Unele terminale iPhone 5 au probleme in a mentine calitatea apelurilor audio in zone cu mult zgomot de fundal

  In iPhone 5 compania Apple a implementat nu mai putin de 3 microfoane pentru a oferi utilizatorilor apeluri audio de calitate foarte buna. Desi dispozitivul este compatibil si cu tehnologia HD Voice, se pare ca exista anumite probleme in utilizarea terminalului in zone cu mult zgomot de fundal. In aceste situatii, calitatea apelurilor devine precara, utilizatorii afirmand ca aud ceea ce spune interlocutorul ca si cum ar avea urechile “infundate”, insa revin si spun ca totul se intampla doar cand in jurul utilizatorului exista zgomot puternic, ori cand acesta se afla in mers.

While talking over the noise was loud around me than I had a feeling of plugged ear, as if I were inside a bubble. It ‘something fastidios that led me to hang up the phone. The day after continuous testing outdoors, go to a town center and much as I walk and I talk about the strange sensations that lead me to have almost headache. We’re at 3 iPhone 5 to 3. I try to call two other friends and ask them to try to see this thing, I confirm now, they also had the strange sensations in some situations, we are at 5 of 5.

  Sunt curios daca voi ati experimentat probleme de acest gen cu terminalele iPhone 5 pentru ca Apple nu pare sa fi recunoscut deocamdata existenta unei asemenea probleme. Pe forumurile de discutii ale Apple exista destule persoane care se plang de probleme asemanatoare, insa deocamdata nimic nu pare sa se fi rezolvat.

This post was last modified on nov. 7, 2012, 7:12 PM 19:12

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