BEARTek produce primele manusi care controleaza un iPhone prin Bluetooth (Video)

  Iarna se apropie cu pasi repezi si stim cu totii ca ecranele tactile nu pot fi controlate cu manusile normale, iar pentru a rezolva aceasta problema cei de la BEARTek ne propun un model de manusi care ne permite sa controlam un iPhone prin gesturi. Daca va uitati la clipul video de mai sus veti observa ca puteti raspunde la apeluri telefonice, puteti schimba melodiile care sunt rulate de aplicatia Music, puteti controla si aplicatii terte, plus sistemul Voice Control si poate chiar Siri.

We wear gloves to protect us.  We listen to music to entertain us.  If we want to do both, then we have a problem.  Your phone is tucked neatly away, and the gloves make it difficult to quickly retrieve it.  Now, you don’t have to. Using Bluetooth and our patent-pending glove technologies, you can easily control your music and phone calls by simply touching your fingers together.  Answer that call, and leave the phone in your pocket!

  Cei de la BEARTek nu spun cum anume fac acest lucru pe iDevice-uri, insa tehnologia in sine este interesanta si ar putea ajunge pe piata. Deocamdata manusile BEARTek asteapta finantare prin intermediul unui proiect al kickstarter, dar va voi anunta cand vor disponibile pe piata.

This post was last modified on nov. 16, 2012, 12:58 PM 12:58

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