The iPad Table masa touchscreen facuta din tablete iPad si controlata cu un iPhone (Video)

  Presupun ca unii dintre voi au auzit despre “masa” touchscreen facuta de catre Microsoft si denumita Surface, si stiti ca ea a fost utilizata in foarte multe productii cinematografice si nu numai. Desi acea masa este interesanta, o companie a produs alta care este compusa din 15 tablete iPad, iar in clipul video de mai sus o aveti prezentata. Toate acele tablete sunt interconectate prin intermediul unei retele Wi-Fi si a unui router, iar impreuna formeaza o suprafata tactila mare pe care oricine o poate utiliza.

The table’s made up of 15 iPads all connected to the same wireless connection, the iPads are not hardwired into any network. We have a small wireless router on its own private network relaying the communication to each iPad. Each iPad is listing to those messages and then reacts accordingly when asked to do something. The great thing about the application running on each iPad is that it makes for a truly configurable set up. With the controlling iPhone application we can do several things. For example we can set the background color and duration to easily fade colors. We can also reset the experience as well as a nice little kill switch to quickly close all the applications.

  Tabletele pot fi configurate in aproape orice formatie, ele sunt controlate cu ajutorul unei aplicatii pentru iPhone si pot afisa aproape orice fel de imagini impreuna. Ideea este foarte interesanta, nu este chiar atat de practica, insa pe viitor probabil se vor gasi moduri mai bune de a implementa totul.

This post was last modified on nov. 19, 2012, 8:10 AM 08:10

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