WiFi Security+ promite sa iti spuna daca hotspot-ul tau este protejat impotriva atacurilor

  WiFi Security+ este o aplicatie lansata la inceputul acestei luni in App Store, iar cu ajutorul ei puteti testa nivelul de securitate al propriului Wi-Fi hotspot. Aplicatia este simpla, avand in vedere ca este gratuita, este capabila sa faca doar cateva atacuri nu foarte periculoase, insa in mare de cam atat aveti nevoie pentru a sta linistiti. Aplicatia va spune cat de sigur este hotspot-ul vostru, este capabila sa detecteze atacurile de tip phishing si cele de tipul “man in the middle”, totul prin apasarea unui simplu buton.

Did you know that there are thousands of privacy attacks and password theft incidents every day. These are mostly launched by hackers through public WiFi Hotspots.  Moobila WiFi Security+ helps you against such attacks by analyzing the WiFi Connection/Hotspot you are connected to. Just press the Scan button after you connect to any WiFi device, and the App would tell you whether that Hotspot conducts any phishing attacks.

  WiFi Security+ este disponibila gratuit in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
WiFi Security+



Developer: Sunaira
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Did you know that there are thousands of privacy attacks and password theft incidents every day. These are mostly launched by hackers through public WiFi Hotspots.

Moobila WiFi Security+ helps you again…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 4.1 Mb

This post was last modified on nov. 25, 2012, 9:36 AM 09:36

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