Critical Missions: SWAT – o tentativa de a aduce Counter Strike in App Store

  Counter Strike este probabil cel mai popular FPS al tuturor timpurilor si cu siguranta exista multi utilizatori care si-ar dori sa vada jocul disponibil in App Store-ul celor de la Apple. Deocamdata Valve nu are vreo intentie de a il porta pe terminalele mobile, insa intre timp puteti incerca Critical Missions: SWAT, cea mai apropiata versiune a Counter Strike. Jocul a fost lansat recent in App Store, din punct de vedere grafic se aseamana cu fps-ul Counter Strike, insa nu va asteptati la exact acelasi lucru, desi experienta nu ar trebui sa fie foarte diferita.

Critical Missions: SWAT (a.k.a. Critical Strike Portable/CS Portable) delivers the nostalgic fast paced FPS gaming experience on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch devices. Enjoy the smooth and customizable touch controls and play the cross-platform first-person shooter against other players on the web and on other mobile platforms.


  • Cross-platform 3D First-Person Shooter MMO: beat PC/Mac players and players from other mobile platforms 
  • Multiplayer Mode: Local network and Servers Globally (USA, Europe and Asia)
  • Single Player Mode: Player vs. Customizable Bots (Terrorists, Zombies)
  • Smooth and Responsive Customizable Touch Controls (–> Game menu – Settings – User Interface – Edit HUD)
  • Six Game Types: Classic, Team Death Match (DTM), Zombie Mode, Zombie Match, Survival, Death Match, Juggernaut and Capture The Flag (CTF)
  • Customizable settings: player HP, player speed, zombie difficulty, ect.
  • Dozens of pre-installed and downloadable unique maps

  Critical Missions: SWAT are un numar limitat de arme, insa modulul multiplayer ar trebui sa compenseze din plin aceste lipsuri, chiar si pentru fanii inraiti ai Counter Strike-ului. Jocul este disponibil in format universal in App Store la pretul de 2.69€.

This post was last modified on dec. 6, 2012, 9:27 AM 09:27

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