Football Manager Handheld 2013 este disponibil App Store

  Football Manager Handheld 2013 pentru iOS, o versiune pentru terminale mobile a celebrului joc pentru PC-uri, ea fiind disponibila din cursul acestei zile App Store. Daca ati mai jucat vreodata versiunea pentru iOS, atunci stiti ca in joc puteti prelua functia de manager a unei echipe de fotbal prezenta in ligile din 14 tari de pe glob, pozitia detinuta in cadrul clubului oferindu-va acces complet asupra echipei, transferurilor, etc. Controland echipa veti avea la dispozitie diverse moduri de joc, plus tot felul de statistici despre jucatori, scopul final fiind de a deveni cel mai bun manager din ecosistem.

Take the hot-seat at any club from a choice of leagues in 14 countries, and assume full control of transfers, training, tactics and managing your team live during match days as you strive for glory and silverware.  

Other new features: 

  • Fully up-to-date league/player/competition data to football season 2012/13. 
  • Player photos now included for licensed leagues. 
  • New playable leagues – Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland. 
  • Player comparison & form updates.

  Daca ati mai jucat vreodata Football Manager, atunci stiti ce presupune gameplay-ul acestui titlu si probabil stiti ca Romania nu se afla printe tarile ale caror ligi sunt reprezentate. Jocul veste disponibil sub forma unei aplicatii universale care costa 8.99€.

Pretul initial:
Football Manager Handheld 2013



Developer: Sega America
Categoria: Games

Descriere: The worlds best-selling football management game returns for a new season on iOS.

Football Manager Handheld 2013 puts you in the hot-seat and allows you to put your managerial skills to the test wherever, whenever and however you want.

Take the hot-se…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 344.2 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 13, 2012, 8:17 PM 20:17

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