Yacht-ul lui Steve Jobs este prezentat intr-un nou clip video

  Dupa ce a fost eliberat de sub sechestru de catre autoritatile olandeze, yacht-ul lui Steve Jobs isi va incepe cel mai probabil calatoria spre SUA, insa intre timp il vedem intr-un nou clip video filmat inaintea intamplarilor din Amsterdam. Yacht-ul a pornit destule controverse din cauza design-ului neobisnuit, insa asta il va face extrem de interesant pentru americani si este pacat ca Steve Jobs nu se afla printre noi pentru a se bucura de el.

On the day after Christmas my girlfriend and I went to take a look. We walked through the fields to get to the former container terminal where Venus was docked. There were a few people on board cleaning the upper deck, but there was nobody else around. We took some pictures and shot this video with an iPhone 5. It’s a very unique design that looks much better up close than in pictures or even in a video.

This post was last modified on dec. 27, 2012, 8:59 AM 08:59

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